Plant with its main characteristic trunk and large leaves. Suitable conditions for its proper development and flowering are:
a) Lighting should be moderate. At the point of the house where you will place it, the sun should not hit it straight. If there is a strong brightness, you should put fine curtains or half-open blinds so as to protect it.
b) The temperature should be moderate from 15 to 28 degrees Celsius. It should not be touched on radiators, radiators or other air conditioning devices.
c) Watering should be done once to twice a week. Water until the pot starts to drip. The yucca comes from tropical countries so it needs an environment with enough moisture. Sprinkle its leaves with lukewarm water that we put in a spray tray, be careful not with ice, more often in summer and more sparsely in winter.
d) Fertilization should be done every 15-20 days.ΥΘ