Zinnia Giant

Zinnia Giant

Zinnia is an annual ornamental plant that impresses with the variety of colors and shapes of its flowers. The zinnia has upright strong shoots with a length of half to one meter and large flowers that remain in bloom throughout the summer. We can find tall and short varieties of zinnia and plant them in a pot but also in a rock garden, on the lawn, and in flower beds, in various combinations with other herbaceous flowering plants.



Zinnias have significant water requirements and need frequent watering, every 1-2 days, especially in the hot summer months. Regarding fertilization, the zinnia has moderate requirements as it requires fertilization every two months. For potted zinnias, we need to fertilize more often, with a water-soluble flowering fertilizer, once a month, from spring to late autumn. It is important to remove dried zinnia flowers often to increase the duration of its flowering. . Zinnia is a warm climate plant and needs relatively sunny and sheltered areas to thrive. It must be planted in rich and well-drained soils for growth and abundant flowering. If we plant the zinnias in a pot, we choose rich and fertile potting soil and ensure good drainage conditions. When watering the zinnia, avoid wetting the leaves because conditions are created for the growth of the powdery mildew fungus that appears with white spots on the zinnia leaves.