

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, Caprifoliaceae) is a perennial flowering plant and belongs to the Valerianaceae family. For commercial exploitation, the plant is cultivated as an annual. Valerian is a plant whose use is known to us from the ancient Greeks. Later, the Romans used valerian as a remedy for digestive problems, as well as for cramps and to treat urinary tract discomfort. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, Caprifoliaceae) is a perennial flowering plant and belongs to the Valerianaceae family.



Valerian does not need pruning. It is cleaned only from any yellow leaves or dry shoots and from overripe flowers.

Harvesting: In the past the leaves were harvested in September each year and the roots after the fourth year by uprooting all or part of the plant. In intensive crops, this is done more quickly every two or at most every three years when the root system matures well.

Propagation of valerian is done only by seeds directly in the field or garden. Planting distances are 20-30cm.