

The tulip is one of the most beautiful and impressive bulbous flowers that we plant in the garden in autumn. Of course, we can plant tulips in a pot as well, while we even meet them wild making their appearance in the mountains of our country during the spring season. There are tulips in different shapes and sizes with countless color combinations to choose from, with double petals and more complex flowers. Tulips are also particularly popular in florists, where their flowers come from special varieties grown in greenhouses for cut flower production. The tulip has its peculiarities! It needs a cool sunny environment to thrive, while in a dry environment it does not show good growth and flowering. Tulip bulbs are planted in October and November in pots, planters, as well as in flower beds in the garden to see them bloom in early spring. We place each bulb at a depth of about 8-10 cm, with the tip of the bulb upwards and at distances of 10-20 cm between them. For planting the tulip in a pot, we use fertile potting soil, rich in nutrients. We choose shallower pots for the low varieties, deeper ones for the taller tulip varieties and place them in sunny places to give us their rich flowering.



Tulips initially need sparse watering, once a week, until the flowering stem sprouts. If we water more often, there is a high chance that the bulb will rot and fail to sprout. Then, during the period of growth and flowering of the tulip, watering should be done more often. The tulip needs to have enough moisture in its soil to have lush vegetation and good flowering. Regarding fertilization, tulips do not need fertilizer at planting. We add liquid flowering fertilizer as soon as the tulip buds form and repeat after two weeks.