Spinach Baby

Spinach Baby

Spinach needs cool weather and sunny locations to grow and thrive in the fall season. It is also particularly resistant to low winter temperatures. In the spring season, we prefer to plant it in semi-shaded places, as in places with a lot its flowering stem develops prematurely, which stops the vegetation and the production of tender leaves. We plant spinach in fertile, fluffy soil, enriched in nutrients that ensure good growth. Till the soil well before planting and incorporate compost, well-digested manure and complete organic fertilizer.



Spinach needs regular watering in small doses, as it has a superficial root system that does not spread much. In addition, it needs increased watering as temperatures rise during the spring and summer season. Growing spinach requires careful and frequent weeding, i.e. removing unwanted weeds that prevent the growth of young spinach plants. The process of weeding can be done by hand or using a small weeder, being careful not to injure the spinach shoots.