Sguash Greek

Sguash Greek

Sguash, one of the most popular and delicious vegetables that we plant in the spring season and harvest in the summer. The squash crop belongs to the same plant family as the cucumber, cantaloupe and watermelon with which it shares similar characteristics. Pumpkins are eaten boiled, roasted and fried and are a key ingredient in many favorite summer food recipes such as pumpkin pie, briam and stuffing. They have significant nutritional value, few calories and a high content of plant fiber, potassium and calcium vitamins. Growing pumpkin is considered quite easy. We strongly recommend it to novice growers, as it produces abundantly and quite quickly. Even if we don’t have a garden, we can plant pumpkins in a pot on the balcony. Let’s see in detail, what care is needed to grow the pumpkin in order to enjoy the most delicious pumpkins from our garden. The early planting of the pumpkin is done at the beginning of spring with ready-made plants that we have obtained from a nursery or that we prepare ourselves at the end of winter in a special nursery. If we want to grow pumpkins in late spring, we can plant the pumpkin seed directly in the ground, since at this time the temperature of the soil is suitable for the seed to germinate.



Sguash is relatively demanding on water to have good growth and abundant production. In particular, zucchinis need watering every two days in the spring season, while in the hot summer season they may need watering every day to keep the soil moist. A suitable irrigation system for watering the pumpkin is the drip irrigation system which is more effective for uniform watering and at the same time more beneficial to the environment as we save water.. The excessive amount of water, as well as the wetting of the foliage of the plant, during watering, contributes to the occurrence of diseases, the most common of which is squash powdery mildew.