Radish, also known as radish or radish, belongs to the vegetables cultivated for their underground part, its characteristic root (turnip) with a crunchy texture and a lot of juice. Radish needs cool, relatively cool weather to grow, with ideal temperatures between 13-19°C. It is resistant to low temperatures and frost during the winter season. Radishes are sensitive to heat, as at high temperatures they show premature flowering, poor root development and a bitter taste. We prefer to plant radishes in sunny positions in the autumn season and semi-shady positions in the spring, depending on the cultivation area and the planting season. We choose loose soils, finely ground, rich in organic matter, so that the underground part of the plant can develop satisfactorily and with good drainage in order to remove water.
Radishes thrive in cool soil and need frequent watering to grow well and produce large, tasty and well-shaped radishes. To water the radishes, we can use 180 or 360 degree spray nozzles to have uniform watering and cooling of the foliage. We water regularly, early in the morning or at dusk, making sure not to let their surface soil dry out. We adjust the frequency of watering depending on the rainfall that prevails in the specific period.
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Cucumber mini
Cucumber miniThere are dozens of cucumber varieties and hybrids that are commercially available and that we can plant. Depending on the size of the fruit, the cucumber varieties are divided into the large-fruited varieties and the small-fruited varieties that, in addition to being fresh, are also used for pickling. A traditional long-fruited variety of cucumber is the Kalybiotiko cucumber, suitable for summer outdoor cultivation that gives very tasty smooth dark green fruits, about 40 cm long. Among the small-fruited varieties, we distinguish the Knossos variety, from the Heraklion region of Crete, with a smooth, dark green, crunchy fruit about 20 centimeters long. Long cucumber, a traditional variety of cucumber.
CeleryCelery varieties, depending on the part of the plant for which they are grown, are divided into two main categories: a) leafy ones that have rich foliage vegetation and b) rhizomes that have less growth of the above-ground part of the plant and more root growth. The best-known varieties are the traditional variety of celery, the variety of celery and the variety of celery which have the following characteristics: Common variety of celery: Traditional local leafy variety of celery with thin shoots and leaves that have a strong aroma and flavor Celery variety: Classic leafy variety of celery with thick, crunchy stems that reach a height of up to one meter and large leaves that do not have as strong a scent as the common variety. Celery root variety: Characteristic variety of root celery eaten for its large round root, fresh or cooked in salads and soups.
ChivesChives thrive in fertile soils, rich in organic matter and with very good drainage. It seeks a cool environment, it is resistant to cold and in sunny places it shows better growth and production, however, excessive moisture tends to cause it to rot in the root. Chives are propagated by seed. We can plant the chives directly by sowing in the field as long as when it reaches a growth of 10-15 cm we thin them at distances of 20-30 cm. If we get ready-made plants from a nursery, we plant them at suitable planting distances of 30-40 cm between plants and 50-60 cm between rows. To plant the chives on the balcony, choose a pot with a diameter of 30 cm and add general-purpose potting soil, enriched in nutrients, that ensures good drainage.
Borloto beans
Borloto beansThere are many popular native and traditional bean cultivars, both low and climbing, to choose from. Most growers prefer fresh bean varieties that do not have fiber, as they are more pleasant to eat. We should note that the dry bean varieties have a harder shell and more fiber. Well-known varieties of fresh beans are chauli, terli, broad bean (black-eyed), broad bean (snake bean), mullets (beads), canary beans (yellow beans), bulgara (early mullet), zargana, climbing mullet, while in some regions we will meet other interesting local varieties. An excellent traditional variety of dry beans are the giants of Prespa. It is worth noting that the climbing bean varieties are much more productive than the low varieties, while at the same time they have a longer production period, although they take longer to enter production than the low ones.
Bean cultivation needs fertile soil, rich in organic matter and with good drainage to have good growth and fruiting. When preparing the soil for cultivation, we first plow the field to make the soil sufficiently loose, as it is necessary for the formation of a rich and strong root system of the bean. Then, before planting the bean, we incorporate enough compost, digested manure and organic manure to enrich the soil with organic matter and nutrients.
Spinach Baby
Spinach BabySpinach needs cool weather and sunny locations to grow and thrive in the fall season. It is also particularly resistant to low winter temperatures. In the spring season, we prefer to plant it in semi-shaded places, as in places with a lot its flowering stem develops prematurely, which stops the vegetation and the production of tender leaves. We plant spinach in fertile, fluffy soil, enriched in nutrients that ensure good growth. Till the soil well before planting and incorporate compost, well-digested manure and complete organic fertilizer.
Celery aromatic
Celery aromaticCelery varieties, depending on the part of the plant for which they are grown, are divided into two main categories: a) leafy ones that have rich foliage vegetation and b) rhizomes that have less growth of the above-ground part of the plant and more root growth. The best-known varieties are the traditional variety of celery, the variety of celery and the variety of celeriac, which have the following characteristics: Common variety of celery: Traditional local leafy variety of celery with thin stems and leaves that have a strong aroma and taste Celery variety: Classic leafy variety of celery with thick crisp stems that reach a height of up to one meter and large leaves but not as strongly scented as the common variety. Celery root variety: Characteristic variety of root celery eaten for its large round root, fresh or cooked in salads and soups.