Radish, also known as radish or radish, belongs to the vegetables cultivated for their underground part, its characteristic root (turnip) with a crunchy texture and a lot of juice. Radish needs cool, relatively cool weather to grow, with ideal temperatures between 13-19°C. It is resistant to low temperatures and frost during the winter season. Radishes are sensitive to heat, as at high temperatures they show premature flowering, poor root development and a bitter taste. We prefer to plant radishes in sunny positions in the autumn season and semi-shady positions in the spring, depending on the cultivation area and the planting season. We choose loose soils, finely ground, rich in organic matter, so that the underground part of the plant can develop satisfactorily and with good drainage in order to remove water.
Radishes thrive in cool soil and need frequent watering to grow well and produce large, tasty and well-shaped radishes. To water the radishes, we can use 180 or 360 degree spray nozzles to have uniform watering and cooling of the foliage. We water regularly, early in the morning or at dusk, making sure not to let their surface soil dry out. We adjust the frequency of watering depending on the rainfall that prevails in the specific period.