Onion Green
Onion Green
Onions prefer light sandy soil with good drainage to grow better and form a larger bulb. Proper soil preparation is particularly important before starting cultivation. Before planting onions it is important to incorporate organic matter and soil improvement materials such as digested manure and compost into the soil. When planting onion bulbs, we can add complete organic fertilizer to strengthen the crop, especially if our field is cultivated every year and needs nutrients. 4. What season are onions planted and at what distances? The green spring onion can be planted almost all year round in our garden, while if we prefer the dry onion we plant in the March-April period. The planting of the cockle can be done both in lines and in the throws. For the linear planting of onion, shallow furrows are dug at planting distances between the planting lines of around 30 cm. The small onion bulbs are planted at distances between them of about 10 cm for the dry onion and 5-7 cm for the green onion. The planting depth of the onion in the soil should be between 0.5–1 cm, that is, just enough to cover the top pointed part of the bulb. It is worth mentioning that onion can be an excellent side crop and can be grown in our vegetable garden together with tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, lettuce, zucchini, beets and carrots.
Regarding water needs, onion cultivation requires a constant presence of moisture in the surface layer of 30 cm of soil, as onions have a shallow root system. For example, onions need watering approximately every 4-5 days. When planting the onion bulb, avoid excessive watering to prevent the bulb from rotting. Also, limited watering is needed at the end of cultivation, a few days before harvest, to allow the bulb to dry properly.