

It is an annual plant with decorative flowers, belonging to the Lin genus of the flax family. It reaches a height of up to 110 cm, but often the growth is limited to 30-60 cm. The stem of the flax is erect, branched. The leaves are uncertain, the location is regular, the shape is logotype with sharp edges. Bright flowers form a shield inflorescence, which has a rather loose structure. The natural growth area is the northwestern part of the African continent (Algeria). In the cultivation of flax it was introduced in 1820, and since then it has been actively cultivated as an annual. Sowing is recommended in the middle of April, as the plant grows quite quickly. Use a lightweight primer that is permeable to air and moisture. In small boxes, fill it with an even layer of 5-8 cm and brush with a sprayer. The seeds are not buried, but gently scattered over the surface, with a layer of soil with a layer of 1 cm.



Choose light soils without stagnation of moisture and cold drafts. The plant is heat-resistant, so additional watering is required only in the case of extremely dry summers. During the season, make 2-3 top dressings with complex mineral fertilizers, and the plant will please you with magnificent flowering. Flowers where flax grows must be skimmed, like any other After rain and watering, it is desirable to loosen the soil so that the crust does not form, especially on heavy soils.