Lettuce Ortolani

Lettuce Ortolani

Lettuce is planted in the garden, in pots or planters on the balcony, and lettuce can also be grown in a greenhouse. As a cool season plant, lettuce needs a cool environment and is grown at relatively low temperatures between 14-19°C. In general, it prefers sunny planting locations, although it also grows satisfactorily in semi-shaded locations. At high temperatures, premature growth of the flowering shoot of the lettuce is caused, while at very low temperatures and frost, burns are caused on the foliage. Some varieties of lettuce are more resistant to the relatively high temperatures of spring and others are better adapted to the frost of winter. For planting lettuce, the ideal soil is fertile, cool, with a high content of organic matter that ensures good drainage.



Lettuce prefers a cool soil environment as they have a superficial root system. Thus, to keep their substrate relatively moist, regular watering with relatively small amounts of water is required. The frequency of watering becomes higher, perhaps even daily, in periods of high temperatures, especially in early autumn, late spring and mid-summer. Frequent watering is essential in spring plantings in order to keep the lettuce leaves cool and tender with a rich flavor. In cases of lack of water, the lettuce leaves harden, begin to turn bitter and the flowering stem (flower) develops prematurely, which will then give us the seeds. In conditions of excessive moisture due to watering, lettuce can experience root rot and yellowing of the leaves.