

This beautiful flower is not particularly well known in Greece, however, we will meet it in the market, mainly in garden centers, where the sale of bulbs is a widespread phenomenon. So this is Ixia Hybrida, a member of the ornamental garden, which comes to us from the Iridaceae family and Africa! Gardeners and growers appreciate it for its impressive, colorful, unique flowers, so that worldwide it is considered a unique ornamental flower. Ixia Hybrida “escapes” from the traditional color of the famous white version of the genus. Under these conditions, it can even reach half a meter in height! The beautiful flowers it has, appear in the middle of Spring, with the flowering lasting until May!



Fluffy, well-drained soils, sunny or semi-shady locations, light watering and a few fertilisers, make up the most ideal cultivation plan, which the horticulturist must keep in mind… Of course, it is also pointed out that the bulbs are planted from the Autumn , until the middle of Winter, in a depth of 5 whole points!