Chrysanthemum, a perennial plant with abundant flowering and beautiful daisy-like flowers in wonderful colors. Chrysanthemums are among the most popular flowers that bloom in the autumn season and belong to the same family as other favorite flowers such as dimorphotheca, silver marigold, asteraceae, marigold and gerbera. The chrysanthemum is native to Southeast Asia and China.
The seeds are planted in late spring and summer.
Chrysanthemums prefer relatively sunny or very bright positions to give us rich blooms. For planting the chrysanthemum, we choose protected places from severe frost and strong winds, as there is a significant risk of breaking the flowering shoots, especially of the tall varieties. Although chrysanthemums can be planted and grown in all types of soil they thrive and produce more flowers when planted in rich fertile soil. However, the soil that will be planted needs to be fluffy enough to ensure good water drainage, so that the chrysanthemum’s roots can develop smoothly. In our country, it is also known as agiodimitriatiko or agiodimitraki, due to its flowering season which coincides with the feast of Saint Demetrius. Correspondingly, in Cyprus chrysanthemums are also called October flowers, as they give us most of their flowers in October. Chrysanthemums suit any home and are a timeless and favorite choice to plant in the garden, as well as in pots in the yard and on the balcony. The impressive flowers and the long duration of flowering are their strong point. We often find them also decorated in a vase, giving color and optimism to the living room or the office.