Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium): Anthriscus cerefolium is an aromatic plant and is closely related to parsley. Grows to a height of 50cm. It has flat lacy leaves, which have an anise-like aroma. Light green color that gradually turns red brown as the plant matures. Blooms in mid-summer.
A suitable planting spot is any semi-shaded place in the garden or on the balcony. The ideal distance for planting the plants on the line is 15cm. The height of the plant can reach from 20-40cm. The leaves are harvested from the end of autumn until the spring when it blooms.
Tips: Anthriskos adapts very easily to planters and needs good watering.
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SageSage is quite a hardy plant and grows in a variety of soils, even dry, barren and stony soils. Sage grows best in sandy, calcareous soils with very good drainage that warm up in early spring. Sage is resistant to both low and high temperatures, meaning we can plant it in hot and cold areas. Prefers places with sun both in the garden and on the balcony.
When planted in the shade, it shows stunted growth and can show rot in the shoots and the root. Incorporating organic matter in the form of digested manure and compost when planting sage is beneficial for its growth.
Cabbage Chinese
Cabbage ChineseCabbage is a cold season plant and the ideal temperature for its growth is 15-18 degrees Celsius. Cabbages are planted mainly in sunny positions in the fall, although semi-shaded positions are useful in early summer plantings when it is very hot. Cabbage can grow in all types of soil, except very acidic soils. It is important that the soil has good drainage to remove excess water from watering and to ensure good aeration of the roots. For early cabbages we prefer sandy, light warm soils, while for late cabbages we prefer heavier and more fertile soils with good drainage, rich in organic matter. 3. How do we plant the cabbages and at what distances? We can raise cabbage plants from seed to maintain traditional varieties or keep our own seeds from the plants every year. Planting in a nursery takes 4-6 weeks until the young plants are ready for transplanting in the field. Ideal temperatures for seed germination and plant growth are 15-20 degrees Celsius. Alternatively, we can get ready-made cabbage plants from agricultural stores and nurseries in our area. Cabbage is transplanted from mid-August to early November depending on the growing conditions in each region.
ChardThe chard, the beet’s cousin! Swiss chard is not grown for its underground part, the root like beetroot, but for its tasty leaves, which we eat cooked or boiled in various recipes. A fall planting vegetable, Swiss chard is an easy crop with no particular requirements, and very healthy as it helps regulate sugar. It is grown as an annual vegetable, as it blooms in the second year. There are many varieties of chard, with light green to dark green leaf color and red or white stems and veins, depending on the variety.
Varieties of Swiss chard with red veins make them visually similar to beets. Note that due to its impressive foliage, the chard also adds decorative value to our autumn vegetable garden. The chard prefers cool weather. Although it does not tolerate high temperatures, the chard seeks sunny or semi-dark places, while it is also relatively resistant to light frost. It wants deep fertile soils, enriched in organic matter that also have good drainage.
HyssopHyssop is a low shrub that reaches 60 cm in height. Its leaves are lanceolate without a stem and its flowers are dark blue with purple stamens. It has a strong clean and sweet smell with touches of honey aroma. The top note of its essential oil is camphorous and in its middle notes, a warm spice scent lingers as an impression. The color of the essential oil is yellow-green.
PurslanePurslane, also known as anthrakla, is an annual, native, multi-branched plant of the Mediterranean with characteristic smooth and fleshy shoots. Wormwood grows in cultivated fields and especially in vegetable gardens that are watered in late spring and bears small yellow flowers. Although often considered an unwanted grass (weed) in the garden, buttercup is edible, very tasty and has a high nutritional value.
ChamomileChamomile, the beautiful plant with its characteristic aroma and unique beneficial properties. Chamomile is a favorite herb found naturally in the Greek countryside and often picked to be enjoyed as a relaxing tea. All of us chamomile fans can grow it in the garden, as well as in a pot in our yard or balcony, to make wonderful drinks at home. Chamomile is a low-growing, low-maintenance herbaceous plant that is extremely easy to grow. In addition to the beneficial properties it has at our disposal and our health, chamomile also has a special decorative value due to the impressive numerous small flowers with white petals and a characteristic yellow color in the center of the flower that resemble small daisies. There are 2 main varieties of chamomile, the German or wild chamomile, an annual or biennial plant that is taller and the Roman or tame or garden chamomile that is shorter growing and perennial. Let’s see what care chamomile needs to grow it in the garden and in a pot on our balcony and to enjoy beautiful flowers and healthy drinks at home.