BalsaminaBalsamina is a decorative, small and herbaceous plant of medium growth, with intense foliage and flowers in red and pink shades.
Balsamine (Impatiens balsamine) is also known as balsamine, impatience or love. This plant is preferred for gardens and terraces as it is easy to grow and does not need much care, it has a characteristic multi-month flowering and makes the most of shady places. The planting of the balsamina should be done in shady places and not have direct contact with the sun’s rays. In combination with plenty of water, the balsamina blooms both on the branches and throughout its central trunk.
Amaranth Trichomo
Amaranth TrichomoIn the world flora, common amaranth is represented by more than sixty species. There are annual and perennial crops that are resistant to even the most severe frosts and resistant to any pest. Growing a plant is simple and not troublesome. With such a wide variety of varieties and types, you can get confused and buy feed or vegetables instead of ornamentals. Which varieties are the most popular and in demand and in what quality.
Basil Red
Basil RedThere are many types and varieties of basil to choose from. We come across hundreds of varieties of basil, others with smaller or larger leaves, with different colors, tastes and aromas. It is important to mention that most varieties of basil are annuals while there are also some perennials. Depending on our preferences, we can choose curly, broad-leaved, Genovese, nightshade, red (purple), saint or tree basil.
GaillardiaGaillardia is an impressive flower with characteristic green-grey foliage and beautiful flowers that resemble daisies in shades of red, yellow and orange. Gaillardia is characterized by abundant and prolonged flowering that lasts from early summer to mid-autumn. It comes from America and belongs to the same family as the sunflower with several varieties, some annual and others perennial and a height varying between 30-90 cm. Gaillardia is an ideal choice for planting in a flower bed, in a rock garden, as well as in a pot on the balcony. The Gaillardia plant gives a wild flower feel to our garden and is also one of the plants that attract butterflies and birds. Gaillardia needs sunny positions to give us its impressive flowering. It wants light and sandy soil that has good drainage, as young Gaillardia plants are sensitive to excess moisture. To plant it in a pot on the balcony, we prefer places with southern exposure and relatively sheltered, as it is sensitive to low temperatures and strong north winds. In any case, we put a layer of gravel at the base of the pot to drain away the water and not to close the holes of the pot due to soil compression.
Carnation Pink
Carnation PinkCarnations, one of the classic and much-loved flowers that are traditionally found in the gardens, yards and balconies of Greek homes. The carnation (carnation or dianthus) stands out for its lush vegetation with its characteristic elongated lance-shaped leaves and its rich flowering in impressive colors. There are single color carnation varieties in shades of pink, red, yellow and white, as well as bicolor carnations with wonderful color combinations. This is an extremely popular ornamental plant that, especially in previous decades, was not missing from any home. After all, the carnation has been cultivated since ancient times and was known by the name Dianthos, which means the flower of Zeus. The carnation is planted in the spring and gives us the rich flowering from April to November.
EuphorbiaEuphorbia lactea cristata, is an easy-to-grow succulent, resulting from the grafting of two species. That is, two plants in one! Its upper part is Euphorbia lactea and its color is silver-grey, which can turn reddish if the plant is happy in its environment. Its lower part is usually Euphorbia neriifolia. Its shape resembles a coral and resulted from a normal mutation of Euphorbia lactea and is also known as Coral plant. Prefer bright spots in the growing area. With gradual acclimatization, it can also live in direct sunlight.