If you need to repot any of your plants, March is the best month to do it. Do not repot plants that are in bloom, wait until the end of their flowering to do so. Plant spring and summer flowering bulbs such as cannas, dahlias, gladioli and lilies. Start weeding your garden as soon as you see something growing. It’s easier to do it piecemeal than when your whole garden is full of weeds. Depending on the weather, you can start transplanting the plants from seed you planted last month into pots and the garden once they have reached the 4-leaf stage. If the weather is still too cold, delay the transplant a little longer. Inspect your plants for damage from the recent frost. Remember what vegetables you planted last year in the flower beds and avoid putting the same type of vegetable in the same places. So rotate your vegetables every 1-2 years so that the soil has time to renew itself every year.