Now that the weather is getting warmer and the patio doors are left open for longer, we dust the leaves of the plants more often and spray our plants with water to increase the humidity. We water the plants more often, first checking the soil on the surface of the pot. If an air conditioner is operating in your space, we make sure that your plants are far enough away from the point where the air conditioner “hits” to avoid sudden temperature changes. With the heat, the first annoying insects such as mealybugs/aphids and coccoids have already appeared. We check our plants often and carefully, especially on the new shoots and the underside of the leaves. Unfortunately these insects return so we repeat the sprays as soon as we detect the first symptom. With the warm and dry atmosphere, the very harmful tetranychos also appears (it looks like a spider’s web that wraps the fresh leaves and dries them). The whitefly can destroy an entire plant in just a few days and attacks mainly (but not only) roses and jasmine. We treat immediately with medicine because it will spread to other plants, even those that we consider to be very resistant to diseases and insects. To limit the possibility of the appearance of the tetranych, we collect the fallen leaves that have gathered in the pots and especially weed out weeds that may have grown around the plant. On plants that bloom at this time, cut off wilting flowers to encourage the production of new buds. Plant vegetables directly in the garden. This month is the last that we can plant summer harvest vegetables, such as peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini and beans.