We often check the condition of indoor plants mainly in terms of their need for watering and humidity as the heating dries up. Some plants may need more frequent watering. If you have orchids or other plants that bloom in winter, water them often while they are in bloom. As soon as they finish flowering, we cut off their dried flowers and if there is no frost, we move them to the balcony or to a cool place inside the house. If some of the cacti and succulents need a pot change, we supply larger pots and BIOFYT PLANT PLANT. Also, we take care of the bulbs we planted since autumn by digging up their soil to aerate them. The manushkas we planted in the fall should fly in these days depending on when we planted them. Towards the end of the month we can buy bare-root roses to plant in pots or directly in the ground. We protect sensitive plants from frost. For example, we water early in the morning and avoid evening watering. Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean the garden doesn’t need watering. If the soil is not frozen and it has not rained for more than a week, we water our garden. Especially evergreen plants and shrubs need watering as they lose moisture from their leaves.