Water the pots as often as needed, always checking the soil before watering. The leaves of the plants should not come into contact with the hot glass in the balcony doors and windows and we move them away from the places where the air conditioner “hits”. On flowering plants, cut off the wilted flowers often to encourage the production of new buds. We prune or prune annual plants that have grown unevenly. This way we’ll freshen them up and they’ll be beautiful for another month or two depending on when the weather cools down. During this period we lubricate normally. We increase the fertilization of the chrysanthemums in order to prepare them for their flowering in October. We are not planting fall seeds or bulbs yet, we are waiting for the temperature to drop. We often cut herbs from our garden and do not let them bloom (eg basil, mint) because the nutrients will be channeled into seed formation and not new foliage. If the aromatic harvest is more than our needs, we can dry and store the aromatics in a shady and cool place. Seasonal vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and zucchini are at their most productive. We collect the fruits and take care as they grow that they do not touch the soil to prevent them from rotting. Lawns in gardens need frequent watering early in the morning before the sun rises. If the temperatures are too high, we delay fertilizing until September.