Amaryllis, an autumn flower!
Amaryllis is an autumn planting bulb that gives us impressive flowers at the end of winter. If we want something special for our living room, amaryllids have the ability to take out roots and grow without soil, giving us their impressive flowering in water, it is enough to use a special jar with a narrow spout to place the bulb. The amaryllis bulb should be planted in a warm, sunny part of our garden, sheltered from winds. We use general-purpose, nutrient-rich potting soil and support the amaryllis with a pile to keep the flower stalk upright. Usually, we water the amaryllis 2 times a week, since excessive moisture may create rots in the bulb. For amaryllids with lush flowering, we start fertilizing usually a month after planting the bulb, adding full granular fertilizer and repeating every month.